Design, implementation and monitoring of national climate policy
The Finnish Climate Change Panel’s Report: Increasing the blending mandate and accelerating electrification will halve transport emissions
Developing Finland’s adaptation policy using risk modelling and effectiveness monitoring of adaptation measures
Climate change is progressing rapidly, and its impacts are already visible in Finland. Adaptation to climate change and preparedness for the risks must be advanced, despite […]
Evaluation of justice in climate policy
Climate policy justice aspects have become central to the societal debate regarding climate policy. Securing climate policy justice has also been identified as an objective in […]
How to consider justice in climate policy?
This conversation opener departs from the premise that mitigating and adapting to climate change are imperative from the perspective of global and intergenerational justice. Finland is […]
An Approach to Nationally Determined Contributions Consistent with the Paris Climate Agreement and Climate Science: Application to Finland and the EU
This report provides a continuation of the analysis that the Finnish Climate Change Panel conducted on the long-term emissions reduction target for Finland. This analysis was […]
Assessment of the need and options for a Climate Act – Abstract
This report examines the need for a Climate Act and explores its various options. Current climate regulation reveals significant weaknesses and deficiencies, particularly in planning and […]